Friday, March 3, 2017

3/3/17 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today's topic was photography- its history and its uses in art and other ways.  I showed about 40 slides with examples of photography, examples covering from the earliest experimental methods of the 1820's to present day.  Besides covering the changes in technology, I discussed how ideas common to all art were absorbed into photography.  A take home assignment was given out.  Since this left us with a lot of time left, we did a quick tour of studio classes in the building, so our class could see the facilities and learn about the kinds of classes offered.  The research assignments were collected.

How to make this up- All work done for today will be in the form of a take home assignment, 20 specific kinds of photos to be taken and printed, and brought to class to be shared in three weeks.  Below is a student example of part B- a story told in 6 frames.  (click on it to enlarge)

Additional information about the assignment and further student examples can be found here.

Homework- The take home photo assignment should be completed and brought to class on March 24, 2017.

For next class 3/17/17- Back to color, along with the idea of rhythm as a visual element.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, watercolors, brushes, water container, and palette.