Monday, January 31, 2011

1/31/11 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we began our study of two dimensional art with the most basic unit of mark making, the dot or point.

How to make this up- We did a portfolio exercise and started a graded project. For the portfolio exercise students took a sheet of 18"x 24" paper, used pencil to divide the sheet into 3 equal parts, and then used markers to create a different pattern in each using nothing but dots of various sizes. The patterns can be geometric or be based on images of recognizable things. I refer to this as the wallpaper assignment because the patterns need to repeat at least once from the top to the bottom. Below is a student example.

The wallpaper assignment is a portfolio exercise and must be made up by the end of the semester.

The rest of the class was spent working on a graded project, reproducing the value structure of a black and white photograph using nothing but tiny dots from an ultra fine point marker, commonly called a stipple drawing. Below is a student example.

The original photo is on the right, and the student's drawing on the left. For full details about how to complete the stipple drawing and further examples, click here.

Homework- The stipple drawing started today is due at the beginning of class on February 14, 2011.

For next class 2/7/11- We will start our study of line. Bring your 18"x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencils, and eraser. Some of the exercises will involve drawing from shoes, and since we don't have enough shoes in the prop closet for everyone, students will be responsible for providing their own shoe. So either bring an extra one to class or be prepared to take one off your foot.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1/26/11 Intro to Art

Today's Class- By now you may have received e-mail from me saying that I have cancelled today's class meeting due to the winter weather. It's been snowing and accumulating pretty steadily where I live for almost 2 hours and reports that I get from campus tell me conditions are deteriorating up in Union. News reports are that the highways in between are just as bad. I do not like to cancel class meetings, but on days like this it's just not worth trying to hold the class.

For next class 2/2/11- We will do what we would have done this week, so bring the same materials- your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencils and erasers. We will be doing a series of exercises involving line using shoes as our subject, so all students are responsible for having a shoe to draw from. Either bring an extra one to class or be prepared to remove one from one of your feet. I will distribute the museum and research assignments. Those who have not yet purchased their photocopied packet/textbook should bring $3 to class.

Monday, January 24, 2011

1/24/11 2D Design

Today's Class- Today the course syllabus was distributed and reviewed. The class then filled out a survey regarding their artistic experience, which we discussed as a class. I also handed out the museum assignment and explained it.

Homework- none

For next class 1/31/11- We will look at the most basic unit of mark making, the point or dot. Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencil and eraser, and ultra fine point and standard black markers. We will start a graded project that involves working from a black and white photograph, so students are asked to bring one to class. The photo should have a wide range of value tones (light/medium/dark) and be of something you are comfortable drawing. It can be a photographic print, or something found in a book, magazine, etc. I will have some suitable photos available for students who don't bring one.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1/19/11 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today was the first class meeting of the semester. The syllabus was distributed and reviewed. The students also filled out a survey related to their artistic experiences, which we discussed as a class.

Homework- none

For next class 1/26/11- We will start our study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencil and eraser. The subject of our drawings will be shoes. Each student is responsible for having a shoe to draw from. I suggest you bring one with you, or otherwise you'll have to remove one that you are wearing. In addition, I will hand out and go over the museum assignment.

Those who have not yet purchased the photocopied packet for the class should bring $3 to our next class meeting.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Welcome to the Spring 2011 Semester

This is the blog that I have created for my classes at Kean University. To make things easier to follow, posts for my Introduction to Art class (FA 1000-10 Wed 11:00 am) will be written in red text, while posts for my Two Dimensional Design class (FA 1100-01 Mon 9:30 am) will be written in blue text. Posts that apply to both classes will be written in black text.

I will use this blog each week to post information about the classes. I will include a description of the projects done in class, homework assignments, due dates, as well as photos of examples of completed projects if available and applicable. I will also list the art materials needed for the following week's class. The title of each post will include the date and name of the class. About a month's worth of posts will appear on the main page, but ones from earlier in the semester will be accessible through the blog archives.

Certainly this blog will be very useful to any student who misses a class, however it will also be helpful to students who never miss a class, but just need to verify due dates or need a reminder of what to bring to class. It is available to you 24/7 to provide those basic answers. If students still have questions that can't be answered here, you are all welcome to e-mail me directly, and I'll usually get back to you within a day.