Today's class- Today we looked at examples from the history of photography, and discussed the process by which photos are taken.
Homework- The following photo assignment is to be done on your own time. Use the camera of your choice- film or digital. Take the following series of photographs:
A) Take one photo of a building in close up, one photo where the building fills the frame, and one photo of the building in a distant shot. Using the same distances, take 3 photos of a person. The viewpoint should be the same for each set of photos. Below is an example of a building from 3 distances.

B)Tell a story in 6 frames (like a comic strip). Shoot a sequence of photographs that show a continuous narrative. It can be documentary (something actually happening), or something you stage for the camera. Below is an example.

C) Freeze Motion. Take 1 photograph each of 3 different objects in motion. Below are some examples-

D) Freeze Time. Shoot an outdoor scene at 3 different times in the same 24 hour period from the identical position, with 3 distinctively different orientations of natural light. Do not use a flash in low light. Below is an example of a rooftop scene.

E) Document history. Take a photo of something that will have been significantly changed or no longer exist by the time this assignment is due.
F) Document a new experience. Take a photo of something new to you- a place you've never been before, an activity you've never done, or a person you just met.
Keep in Mind- Try not to break any laws while doing this assignment. For example, do not trespass on private property, and always seek permission before taking photos of people.
All photos must be printed out for class. The photos can be mounted, or just label them on the back.