Friday, March 24, 2017

3/24/17 Mentor Sequence II

Today's Class- Checked progress on some ongoing things, such as the newest block, and the written statement.  We also looked at a few examples of group exchange folios, a common printmaking product where a group of print artists each make an edition large enough that they can exchange prints and all end up with a complete set, for no more than the cost of materials used to make their edition.  I brought in three such sets that I had participated in, each with dozens of print examples from artists from around the country, and a wide variety of print mediums.  Besides including my contribution, each set included work from such nationally and internationally known print artists as Tom Huck, Sean Star Wars. Bill Fick, and others.

Above- students looking at more exchange portfolio prints.  Below- prints displayed by Drive By Press on one of their past visits to Vaughn-Eames.

Homework- Continue on the current piece, which will hopefully be ready to proof by next week.