Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/29/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we discussed the concept of value, which in artistic terms means relative lightness or darkness of elements in an artwork. Value can help imply space and volume in a two dimensional work, in addition to describing the local colors of depicted objects. We looked at slides from antiquity to the present, seeing how the use of value evolved during that time. The class then did a still life drawing using charcoal, similar to the student example above.

How to make this up- Full details as to how to make up this assignment can be found here. This is a portfolio exercise, which must be made up by the end of the semester to receive credit.

Homework- The list of artists and artworks, as well as one book that you will use in your research assignment, is due in class next week, October 6, 2010. The paper itself is due two weeks after that.

For next class 10/6/10- We will start a new project involving the medium of collage. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser, scissors, and glue (white, stick, or rubber cement). If you have magazines that you don't mind cutting up, bring them in. Otherwise you can go through whatever magazines that I provide.

Monday, September 27, 2010

9/27/10 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we started by looking at slides of art, from cave paintings through the present, considering how line was used in each case. Then the class did a series of line related portfolio exercises.

How to make this up- The worked on two main ideas, contour lines, and negative space.

Negative Space- Negative space is the empty spaces around and between elements in a work of 2D art. It is useful in finding positive shapes and the relative space and position of the positive shapes. Exercises in Negative Space can be found here.

Contour Line- Contour lines are the lines that surround a shape and give it its identity. Contour lines can also help define parts of the object. We did a series of exercises involving shoes, details of which can be found here.

Homework- The stipple (dot) drawings begun last week are due at the beginning of class next week, October 4, 2010. For anyone who missed today's class, the portfolio exercises must be made up before the end of the semester.

For next class 10/4/10- Bring your completed stipple drawing, the original photo that it is based on, your 18" x 24" pad, pencil(s) and eraser. We will critique the stipple drawings, and start a new graded project involving a complex line still life.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we started by reviewing the research paper assignment; I showed slides representing the various artistic periods, and students each chose one from the list. Then we did a few drawing exercises involving the concept of negative space.

How to make this up- Information about the two drawing exercises can be found here. These are portfolio exercises that need to be made up by the end of the semester.

Students who missed class today need to choose an artistic period/movement for their paper. The following topics are still available:

Italian Renaissance of the 15th century
Italian Renaissance of the 16th century
Northern Renaissance (15th and 16th century)
Portraiture of the 18th century
Neoclassical Art/Architecture (18th century)
Academic Art of the 19th century
German Expressionism (20th century)
New Objectivity (20th century)
Abstract Expressionism (20th century)

One student allowed per topic, first come, first serve. If you wish to reserve one now, e-mail me with your top three choices in order. If you're in no hurry, you can choose your topic in class next week. I'll give you the handout with all the details of the assignment in class.

Homework- Your list of chosen artists for the paper, and at least one book that you will use, is due in class on October 6, 2010. The finished paper itself is due at the beginning of class on October 20, 2010.

For next class 9/29/10- Bring your 18"x 24" pad, charcoal, and kneaded eraser. We will work with the concept of value (light and dark). Charcoal can be messy, so I suggest not wearing white clothes that day.

Monday, September 20, 2010

9/20/10 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we started our study of two dimensional art with the simplest of all marks, the point or dot. First up was a portfolio exercise in patterns (an example of which can be seen above), which can be made up any time before the end of the semester.

Then we started the first graded project of the semester, a drawing that exactly reproduces the values in a black and white photograph using only tiny black dots of ink, commonly called a stipple drawing. Above is a student example from a previous semester. For more examples and all the details of the project, click here.

Homework- The dot value drawing is due at the beginning of class on October 4, 2010.

For next class 9/27/10- We will start of study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser. One of the exercises we will do that day will involve drawing from shoes, and since we do not have enough to go around, everyone is responsible for providing their own shoes. Either bring an extra or be prepared to remove one from your foot.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/15/10 Intro to Art

Today's class- Today the museum assignment was distributed and reviewed. Links to the eligible museums can be found here and at the link to the right. After that we looked at slides of art from prehistoric cave paintings through contemporary oils, to see how artists have made use of different kinds of lines in art. After the break we did a series of exercises using contour lines.

How to make this up- Everyone came to class today. Keep today's work to be part of your end of the semester portfolio.

Homework- The museum assignment can be turned in any time, but to receive credit, it must be turned in by the last class meeting of the semester.

For next class 9/22/10- Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser. We will continue to work with line and introduce the concept of negative space.

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13/10 2D Design

Today's Class- Today was the first day of the semester. The syllabus was distributed and reviewed. The students filled out a survey regarding their artistic experiences, which we reviewed as a class. I also distributed the museum assignment.

Homework- The Museum assignment is due on the last day of class, but can be turned in any time before then.

For next class 9/20/10- Bring your 18"x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencil, eraser, ultra fine point and large permanent black markers. One project will be based on a black and white photograph, so if you have a photo you would like to draw from, bring it in. For those who don't have one or forget, I'll have a pile of magazines to pick through.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today was the first day of the semester. The syllabus was distributed and reviewed. The students also filled out a survey about their artistic experiences, which we discussed as a group.

Homework- None

For next class 9/15/10- Bring your pad of 18"x 24" drawing paper, pencils, and eraser. The subject for our exercises in contour line will be shoes, so I recommend that you bring a spare shoe with you, or you may have to draw one that you walked in with.

Welcome to the Fall 2010 Semester

This is the blog that I have created for my classes at Kean University. To make things easier to follow, posts for my Introduction to Art class (FA 1000 09 Wed 11:00 am) will be made with red text, while posts for my Two Dimensional Design class (FA 1100 02 Mon 9:30 am) will be made using blue text. Posts that are meant for both classes will use black text.

I will use this blog each week to post information about the classes. I will include a description of the projects done in class, homework assignments, due dates, and will include photos of examples of completed projects if available and applicable. I will also list the art materials needed for the following week's class. The title of each post will include the date and name of the class. About a month's worth of posts will appear on the main page, but earlier entries will be available in the blog archives.

Certainly this blog will be very useful for any students who miss a class, but it will also be helpful for students who never miss a class, but just want to verify due dates, or need a reminder of what to bring to class. It's available to you 24/7 to provide those basic answers. If students still have questions that can't be answered by the blog, you are all welcome to e-mail me directly, and I'll probably get back to you within a day.