Today's Class- Today we began the study of line, one of the basics of fine art. We talked about the concept of line, different ways it can be used and function it has. I showed a few dozen art historical slides, demonstrating ways line has been use in art through history. Then we did some drawing exercises, with shoes as our subject.
How to make this up- Today's class work is part of the semester portfolio, and can be made up any time before the end of the semester for full credit, though I suggest not waiting that long as students who put this stuff off usually don't get around to making it up. Specifics of the work done in class today and student examples from past semesters can be seen here.
Homework- Nothing new, but I hope to have the research assignment ready to hand out by next week.
For next class 9/22/17- We will continue with line, and with the same materials- 18"x 24" pad, pencils, eraser. The focus will be on negative space, a key factor in representing groups of objects. I'll provide the subjects for the drawing exercises.