This portfolio exercise is done in my Intro to Art, 2D Design, and Drawing I classes, so this information applies to all of them.
Today's Class- In class today we started by looking at slides of artwork that made use of the various aspects of line- work that ranged from prehistoric cave paintings, to ancient Greek and Egyptian art, to paintings, drawings and prints from the Rennaissance through the present.
We then did a series of exercises using contour lines, taking shoes as the subject. To make up this portfolio exercise, you should do the following:

A) Exterior Contour- A single line that forms the outline of the object. Draw the silhoutte of the shoe in one unbroken line, as in the examples above. Pay attention to the various proportions of the shoes, as well as curves and angles of all parts. Do as many as you want in 30 minutes.
We then did a series of exercises using contour lines, taking shoes as the subject. To make up this portfolio exercise, you should do the following:

A) Exterior Contour- A single line that forms the outline of the object. Draw the silhoutte of the shoe in one unbroken line, as in the examples above. Pay attention to the various proportions of the shoes, as well as curves and angles of all parts. Do as many as you want in 30 minutes.
B) Cross Contour Lines- These are series of curved and/or straight lines that are used by the artist to imply 3D form and the movement over a curved surface. Not necessarily based on actual structures, but lines invented by the artist. Students spent 30 minutes doing one cross contour drawing like the one above.