Today's Class- Today we continued out study of line, but this time concentrating on using it to explore negative space, all the parts of an artwork that are not made from or representing actual things. Positive space and negative space each define the other, so if you have one you have the other as well. We also chose topics for the research assignment today.
How to make this up- Student did two portfolio exercises using pencil line and drawing from things provided by the instructor. The first was an exclusively negative space drawing, all the empty spaces surrounded by wood in an old desk chair. Then we moved on to a drawing of bottles, in which the positive shapes of the bottles were drawn, and negative space used to help with shapes and overall spacing.
Examples of both exercises and more details can be found here. These are both portfolio exercises and can be made up for full credit any time before the end of the semester.
Homework - Nothing new. The research assignment was distributed today because I had time to show the slides today, but even the list of names isn't due until November, after the museum assignment is due.
For next class 9/29/17- We will move on to the next major concept- value. That will make use of charcoal, a potentially messy material. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, charcoal, and the kneaded eraser. I strongly recommend that you wear black or dark colored clothes that day, as it is very possible that you will get dirty, and the charcoal shows up much worse on light colored clothes.