Today's Class- Today we moved from line to shape, leaving line drawing for value drawing. I showed about three dozen art historical slides of art with a focus on how value was used to do such things as describe surfaces, imply distance and volume, show specific times of day, etc. Then we did a portfolio exercise in drawing still life with charcoal- simple white painted objects and a white cloth, eliminating the issue of local values and concentrating on effects of light and shadow.
How to make this up- put a box on a table and cover it with a white or light colored cloth. Arrange on or around the box three objects, all of which should be white or very light colored. Shine a direct light on the still life set up to create light and shadow patterns. Draw the still life on a sheet of your 18"x 24" paper using charcoal, paying attention to such ideas as size and shape of the objects, negative space, while trying to match the observed value in the set up.
Homework- Nothing new, but don't forget that papers have been assigned, the first of which will be due in November.
For next class October 6, 2017- We will start a new exercise that deals with color for the first time, a mosaic style collage. You will copy a color photograph of your choosing using cut bits of color magazine paper, as in the example below-
Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, scissors, and glue suitable for gluing paper to paper. If you have any old magazines that you don't mind cutting up, feel free to bring them in to add to our pile of color material.