Today's Class- Today we began our study of line. Started wth a discussion of lines, and I showed slides of historical art that made use of line, from cave paintings, to Ancient Egypt, to the Renaissance, to modern times, pointing out how artists used lines in each case. Then we moved on to a series of portfolio exercises related to lines, specifically contour lines and negative space.
Contour Lines-
The class did a series of portfolio exercises related to contour lines, the simple lines that separate positive shapes from empty space. Our subject for these drawings was shoes. For a detailed description of the exercises, along with student examples, click here.
Negative Space
Negative space is the space in and around positive shapes in art, both 2D and 3D. Negative and positive space each define the other, so both are equally important. We started by drawing the negative space in a wooden chair, then used the concept to aid in drawing positive shapes of bottles. For student examples and specific instructions, click here.
These are all portfolio exercises, and can be made up any time before the end of the semester.
Homework- Nothing new, but the first graded assignment, the stipple drawing, is due at the beginning of class on October 3, 2016. Bring both your finished drawing and the original photo you based it on. They will be graded and returned that day.
For next class 10/3/16- We will finish our look at line with a graded project, a line still life. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser. I'll provide the subjects for the still life.