Today's Class- Today was our first meeting of the semester. I distributed the syllabus and reviewed it with the class. Then I handed out a survey of artistic experiences and interests, and we discussed those results as a class. I used the same form to talk about my background. Questions about the class were answered and I shared the materials list for next week, when we begin the design teaching for real.
How to make this up- For those who missed today, the syllabus and survey will be available next week.
Homework- Nothing today, but there will be beginning next week.
For next class 9/19/16- We will start our study of 2D design with the most basic unit of mark making- the point. There will be a first exercise, then we start the first major project of the semester, a focus on texture. The assignment will be a drawing made entirely of dots, commonly called a stipple drawing.
Above is an student example from a previous semester, with the original photo on the left, and the student drawing on the right. (click on it to enlarge) Textures of skin and hair were duplicated using many small black dots. Bring your 18"x24" pad of drawing paper, pencils and eraser, large black sharpie marker and two ultra fine point black markers. You will also need a source photo to work from. It must be a photo of an actual thing (not a computer drawing), preferably with a wide range of value (light to dark) and texture. Can be an actual photographic print, or something from a publication or printed from a computer.