Monday, September 12, 2016
Welcome to the fall 2016 semester
This is the blog site that I have set up for my classes at Kean. Each week I will post information about my classes- this semester that is my section of 2D Design. Text for that class will be in blue. Any posts that apply to other things at the school or outside interest will be in black.
The posts will go up sometime after class, likely later that evening. The title will include the date and the name of the class. There will be a brief overview of what we did in class, both description and (when available) photos of student examples of the projects. The post will include homework information, and a list of materials needed for the following week. The home page will include about a month's worth of posts. Earlier things will be available by using the archive function on the right side.
This is not an online class and this blog is not a substitute for coming to class. You'll learn far more from interaction with your classmates and my guidance than you will from this site. However, it will make it easier for anyone who misses a class for any reason; many students are able to catch up even before the next meeting. This site may prove useful even to those who never miss a class, but just need a reminder of when something is due, or what materials to bring, or want to see more examples of completed projects. It is available 24/7, and will usually answer whatever questions you have. If you need more information, you are welcome to e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon as I can, typically the same day.