Wednesday, September 26, 2012
9/26/12 Intro to Art
Today's Class- Today we spent the class period considering the formal property of value, the use of light and dark in a composition. We looked at slides of fine art from Ancient Rome through the 20th century, considering how value was used by the artist to imply three dimensional form, deep space, location, weight, to show time of day, to focus attention, and to describe the detail of surfaces. Then I set up a still life of white objects under a direct light and everyone used charcoal to do a value drawing of the still life.
How to make this up- You will have to set up a still life, in this case a collection of white or light colored objects of similar size, on a table. The still life should be lit with a directional light to create patterns of light and shadow on and around the objects. Use charcoal to draw the light and shadow, as in the above student example. Another student example, and the specifics of how to set up the still life, can be found here.
This is a portfolio exercise and must be completed by the end of the semester to receive full credit.
Homework- Nothing new, but I have requested that everyone bring me their proposed list of artists and artworks for their research assignment for next week, October 3, 2012. The paper itself is due three weeks after that.
For next class 10/3/12- We will do an exercise using collage as the format. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, scissors, and glue suitable for working with thin paper.
Monday, September 24, 2012
9/24/12 2D Design
Today's Class- Today we started our study of line. I reviewed terms and descriptions of the use of line from the textbook, and we looked slides of fine art from prehistory, through ancient civilizations, to the renaissance, and the present, discussing how lines were used in each case. Then the class did a series of portfolio exercises relating to line.
How to make this up-
Contour Line Exercises
We did a series of contour line exercises, drawing from shoes. Despite being simple objects, shoes have some complex aspects that make them excellent to draw. We explored contour, cross contour, and blind contour. The full assignment, along with student examples of each, can be found here.
Negative Space Exercises
Negative space is the space around and between the positive shapes in a composition. In 2D art, positive and negative space are equally important, as each defines the other. Negative space is very useful in still life drawing as way of finding the right spacing and relative location of objects, as well as helping to find the shapes of objects themselves. The specific assignments and additional student examples can be found here.
These are portfolio exercises that must be made up by the end of the semester to receive full credit. If time is short for you this week, finish the stipple drawing first, and do the exercises later.
Homework- The graded stipple drawing project begun in class last week is due at the beginning of class on October 1, 2012. You must bring the original photo as well as your dot drawing version of it.
For next class 10/1/12- We will start class with a group critique of the stipple drawings, which will be graded and returned. The rest of the class period will be spent working on our next graded project, a pencil line still life of mixed objects. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser, along with the homework due that day.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
9/19/12 Intro to Art
Today's Class- Today we discussed the idea of negative space, the space that surrounds and falls between positive shapes in an artwork. In a two dimensional artwork, every space in the composition is either positive or negative, and each defines the other, so though we tend to focus on positive shapes, positive and negative are equally important. In addition to two portfolio exercises, the research assignment was distributed today, and students each picked a topic from the list.
How to make this up- We did two exercises, each requiring a sheet from the 18" x 24" pad and a pencil. The first thing we did was draw the negative spaces in a chair. I set up a wooden chair on a table in the center of the class and had students draw all the spaces in the chair that were surrounded by wood. Although nothing but empty spaces were drawn, if done right the form of the chair is revealed. The second exercise involved drawing from a simple still life, a group of diverse bottles set up on a platform in the center of the room. This time students drew the actual objects, the bottles, but used negative spaces as an aid to drawing the shapes of the bottles and in finding the relative positions of the bottles. Full instructions for the exercises and additional student examples can be found here.
These are portfolio exercises and must be made up by the end of the semester to receive full credit. If the online instructions aren't clear enough, wait to do the assignment until after you talk to me next week.
Homework- A list of the three artists and an artwork from each that you plan to use for your research assignment is due in class on October 3, 2012. Not getting my approval for your artists won't affect the grade for the paper, but if I don't approve your artists and artworks, the responsibility for having chosen appropriate subjects is all on you. The completed paper is due at the beginning of class on October 24, 2012.
Those who haven't yet been assigned a topic for their research paper need to contact me by e-mail for a list to choose from, or wait to see me in class next week.
For next class 9/26/12- We will start our study of value, the use of light and shadow to imply space and volume in two dimensional art. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, either vine or compressed charcoal, and your kneaded eraser. Charcoal is very messy, so you are advised not to wear anything white or light colored to class that day.
Monday, September 17, 2012
9/17/12 2D Design
Today's Class- Today we started our study of two dimensional art with the most basic mark of all, the point or dot. We did a portfolio exercise and started a graded project, both making use of dots.
How to make this up- Everyone was in class today, so you should all know what we did, but here's a reminder if you are interested.
Wallpaper exercise
We started with the wallpaper exercise, where I had students create 3 patterns that included a vertically repeating pattern, made only from dots. The dots could make geometric patterns, form recognizable images, or whatever you like. Above is an example from a previous semester. This was a portfolio exercise, so hold onto it until the end of the semester.
Graded Stipple Drawing Project
We started our first graded project of the semester, a stipple drawing based on a black and white photograph. This is a type of drawing made with nothing but individual dots of ink, with the number and closeness of the dots creating different levels of value. Students chose a black and white photograph of a three dimensional subject. The basic composition was sketched in pencil on paper, and then the exact values are to be reproduced with the dots of ink. In the above student example, the original photo is on the left, and the drawing is on the right (click to enlarge). Additional examples and the specific rules of the assignment can be found here.
Homework- The graded stipple drawing project is due at the beginning of class on October 1, 2012. You must bring the original photo with you that day so I can grade the project.
For next class 9/24/12- We will start our study of line with a few portfolio exercises. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser. One of the exercises will involve drawing from shoes. I do not have enough to distribute to everyone, so you are all responsible for having your own to draw from. (closed shoes are easier to work with- dress shoes, sneakers, boots, etc) I would suggest that you bring an extra shoe or be prepared to remove one from your own foot. I'll provide the other subjects.
How to make this up- Everyone was in class today, so you should all know what we did, but here's a reminder if you are interested.
Wallpaper exercise
We started with the wallpaper exercise, where I had students create 3 patterns that included a vertically repeating pattern, made only from dots. The dots could make geometric patterns, form recognizable images, or whatever you like. Above is an example from a previous semester. This was a portfolio exercise, so hold onto it until the end of the semester.
Graded Stipple Drawing Project
Homework- The graded stipple drawing project is due at the beginning of class on October 1, 2012. You must bring the original photo with you that day so I can grade the project.
For next class 9/24/12- We will start our study of line with a few portfolio exercises. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser. One of the exercises will involve drawing from shoes. I do not have enough to distribute to everyone, so you are all responsible for having your own to draw from. (closed shoes are easier to work with- dress shoes, sneakers, boots, etc) I would suggest that you bring an extra shoe or be prepared to remove one from your own foot. I'll provide the other subjects.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
9/12/12 Intro to Art
Today's Class- Today we started our study of line as a visual element. We looked at slides of art through history, from cave paintings through ancient civilizations, to the renaissance, to the present, in each case discussing how artists used lines in each. After that the students did a series of portfolio exercises involving contour line. I also distributed and reviewed the museum assignment.
How to make this up- We did exercises involving contour lines, simple lines that surround and define a shape in two dimensional art. For a subject we used shoes, which have a shape that is both simple and challenging. The class did shoe drawings with simple exterior contour lines, cross contour lines, and blind contour lines. Detailed instructions for these exercises, and additional photos of student drawings, can be found here.
This is a portfolio exercise and must be made up by the end of the semester to receive full credit.
Homework- Nothing immediate, but the museum assignment was distributed today. It is ultimately due by the end of the semester, but I strongly recommend starting it well before then. If you wait until the end of the semester, you will be dealing with major assignments in your other classes, plus the busyness of holiday time. Turning it in before the last class means that if it's lacking in some way, you will have the opportunity to redo it for a higher grade. If you wait until the last day, it gets the grade it gets.
For next class 9/19/12- We will continue working with line, a portfolio exercise dealing with the concept of negative space. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser. I'll provide the subject matter. In addition, I'll be distributing the research assignment.
Monday, September 10, 2012
9/10/12 2D Design
Today's Class- Today was our first meeting of the semester. The course syllabus was distributed and reviewed. I had students fill out a survey about their art experiences and interests, and we discussed the results as a group. I also handed out the museum assignment, so those who may be making museum trips with other classes will know what my assignment is.
Homework- none
For next class 9/17/12- Next Monday we will begin our study of two dimensional art with the most basic unit of mark making, the dot. Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencils, eraser, large black permanent marker, and two ultra fine point black markers. A small sketchbook may come in handy if you have one available, but no need to go out and buy one. One project will require a drawing based on a black and white photo. It should be of an existing 3 dimensional subject (person, object, landscape, interior, etc), not line art of digitally created. It works best if there is a wide range of values in the photo- light, medium, dark. For those who don't have a photo next week I will have some magazines to pick through, but if you bring your own, you will have a photo you like and won't have to waste class time searching for one.
Homework- none
For next class 9/17/12- Next Monday we will begin our study of two dimensional art with the most basic unit of mark making, the dot. Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencils, eraser, large black permanent marker, and two ultra fine point black markers. A small sketchbook may come in handy if you have one available, but no need to go out and buy one. One project will require a drawing based on a black and white photo. It should be of an existing 3 dimensional subject (person, object, landscape, interior, etc), not line art of digitally created. It works best if there is a wide range of values in the photo- light, medium, dark. For those who don't have a photo next week I will have some magazines to pick through, but if you bring your own, you will have a photo you like and won't have to waste class time searching for one.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
9/5/12 Intro to Art
Today's Class- Today was our first meeting of the semester. We reviewed and discussed the syllabus. Students filled out a survey regarding their artistic experiences and interests, which we discussed as a group. Some students purchased the class textbook.
Homework- Nothing today. If you didn't have money for the text book today, try to bring the $3 next week.
For next class 9/12/12- We will begin our study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencils, and eraser. The subject for our line exercises will be shoes, and since I don't have enough for everyone, you may need to provide your own. Either bring an extra to class, or be prepared to take one off your foot. We will also talk about the museum assignment.
Homework- Nothing today. If you didn't have money for the text book today, try to bring the $3 next week.
For next class 9/12/12- We will begin our study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencils, and eraser. The subject for our line exercises will be shoes, and since I don't have enough for everyone, you may need to provide your own. Either bring an extra to class, or be prepared to take one off your foot. We will also talk about the museum assignment.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Welcome to the Fall 2012 Semester
This is the blog that I have set up for my art classes at Kean University. Each post title will contain the date of the class and the name of the course. To avoid confusion, posts for my Intro to Art class (FA 1000 sec 10, Wednesdays) will be printed in red text, while posts for my 2D Design class (FA 1100 sec 02, Mondays) will be printed in blue text. Posts meant for both classes, like this one, will be printed with black text.
Each week I will create a post for the class, usually later that evening. Besides the name and date, I will include a description of the day's activity and photos of student examples of completed projects if available and applicable. If there is related homework, I'll provide the details, including the day that it will be due. I'll also include a list of the required materials for the following week's class. About a month's worth of posts will seen on the home page; ones from earlier in the semester can be accessed using the archives in the right hand column.
The purpose of this blog is to provide information to students who might miss an occasional class so that they may quickly catch up. It is not intended to be a substitute for actually coming to class- this is not an online course and you are expected to show up each week. However, even students who never miss a class may find this blog useful, as a way to see additional examples of completed projects, to check due dates for assignments, or to get a quick reminder of what is needed for the next class. It is available to you 24/7 without having to wait for me to reply to your e-mail. If you have questions that are not answered here, send an e-mail and I'll usually get back to you within the day, but I have found most of the information students are looking for will be found here.
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