How to make this up- Everyone was in class today, so you should all know what we did, but here's a reminder if you are interested.
Wallpaper exercise
We started with the wallpaper exercise, where I had students create 3 patterns that included a vertically repeating pattern, made only from dots. The dots could make geometric patterns, form recognizable images, or whatever you like. Above is an example from a previous semester. This was a portfolio exercise, so hold onto it until the end of the semester.
Graded Stipple Drawing Project
Homework- The graded stipple drawing project is due at the beginning of class on October 1, 2012. You must bring the original photo with you that day so I can grade the project.
For next class 9/24/12- We will start our study of line with a few portfolio exercises. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser. One of the exercises will involve drawing from shoes. I do not have enough to distribute to everyone, so you are all responsible for having your own to draw from. (closed shoes are easier to work with- dress shoes, sneakers, boots, etc) I would suggest that you bring an extra shoe or be prepared to remove one from your own foot. I'll provide the other subjects.