Monday, September 10, 2012

9/10/12 2D Design

Today's Class- Today was our first meeting of the semester.  The course syllabus was distributed and reviewed.  I had students fill out a survey about their art experiences and interests, and we discussed the results as a group.  I also handed out the museum assignment, so those who may be making museum trips with other classes will know what my assignment is.

Homework- none

For next class 9/17/12-  Next Monday we will begin our study of two dimensional art with the most basic unit of mark making, the dot.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencils, eraser, large black permanent marker, and two ultra fine point black markers.  A small sketchbook may come in handy if you have one available, but no need to go out and buy one.  One project will require a drawing based on a black and white photo.  It should be of an existing 3 dimensional subject (person, object, landscape, interior, etc), not line art of digitally created.  It works best if there is a wide range of values in the photo- light, medium, dark.  For those who don't have a photo next week I will have some magazines to pick through, but if you bring your own, you will have a photo you like and won't have to waste class time searching for one.