Monday, September 20, 2010

9/20/10 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we started our study of two dimensional art with the simplest of all marks, the point or dot. First up was a portfolio exercise in patterns (an example of which can be seen above), which can be made up any time before the end of the semester.

Then we started the first graded project of the semester, a drawing that exactly reproduces the values in a black and white photograph using only tiny black dots of ink, commonly called a stipple drawing. Above is a student example from a previous semester. For more examples and all the details of the project, click here.

Homework- The dot value drawing is due at the beginning of class on October 4, 2010.

For next class 9/27/10- We will start of study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser. One of the exercises we will do that day will involve drawing from shoes, and since we do not have enough to go around, everyone is responsible for providing their own shoes. Either bring an extra or be prepared to remove one from your foot.

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