Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/29/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we discussed the concept of value, which in artistic terms means relative lightness or darkness of elements in an artwork. Value can help imply space and volume in a two dimensional work, in addition to describing the local colors of depicted objects. We looked at slides from antiquity to the present, seeing how the use of value evolved during that time. The class then did a still life drawing using charcoal, similar to the student example above.

How to make this up- Full details as to how to make up this assignment can be found here. This is a portfolio exercise, which must be made up by the end of the semester to receive credit.

Homework- The list of artists and artworks, as well as one book that you will use in your research assignment, is due in class next week, October 6, 2010. The paper itself is due two weeks after that.

For next class 10/6/10- We will start a new project involving the medium of collage. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser, scissors, and glue (white, stick, or rubber cement). If you have magazines that you don't mind cutting up, bring them in. Otherwise you can go through whatever magazines that I provide.

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