Friday, October 18, 2019
10/18/19 Introduction to Art
Today's Class- Today the topic was photography. It's a relatively recent medium, but it has roots in antiquity, with a tool called the camera obscura, Italian for "dark room", which allowed the projection of a 3 dimensional scene on a flat surface. However, it still required an artist to trace this projection to make a permanent artwork. Evolution of chemistry and lenses made it possible to do this more automatically, along with many years of experiments, creating the process of photography.
After discussing the process and looking at a few dozen slides of historical photographic art, from the 1820's to the late 20th century, I handed out a take home assignment, geared more toward principles and goals than technical skills, and reviewed it. We followed that with a tour of Vaughn-Eames, checking out any art studios and student art we could get access to, third floor to first.
How to make this up- The assignment was given out on paper, but it is also available on this blog site.
Students are asked to shoot a series of 20 photos, all things that refer to classic strengths and uses of the medium. Details of the assignment and some past student examples can be found here.
This is a portfolio exercise, and on the assignment form I gave a deadline of November 22, 2019 to complete it. However, as a portfolio exercise, it won't be graded until the last day of class. The earlier deadline is to encourage students to complete it sooner (before the part of the semester where every class you have will be asking for assignments) and to be able to share results with the class.
You must turn in prints, but it doesn't matter if the photos come from film or digital, the prints can be on photo paper or standard copy paper, and they can be black and white or color, whatever you prefer. You can mount them or just have them labeled on the back.
Homework- The rough draft of the museum assignment is due on November 1, 2019. Turning it in late will result in a loss of points. Plus, the sooner I get it, the sooner I can grade it and get you the suggested revisions for the final paper.
For next class Oct 25, 2019- We get back to color and the watercolor paints, but this time something more expressive than the color theory assignments we did last week. Bring your 18"x24" pad, paints, brushes, and a water container.