Friday, October 11, 2019

10/11/19- Introduction to Art

Today's Class- Today we returned to color, with our first formal look at basic color theory. We used watercolor paints to produce a color wheel and do an exercise in complementary color mixing. 

How to make this up- On a piece of the 18"x24" paper, students were asked to draw a large circle in pencil, which was used to create a 12 step color wheel- primaries, secondaries, and intermediate colors.  Then the students were asked to draw two rows of boxes (8 total) used to create an exercise mixing two complementary colors and creating several neutral colors.

Further examples of student projects from previous semesters and more detailed instructions can be found here .

This is a portfolio exercise that can be made up for full credit any time before the end of the semester, though since we will be dealing with color again in the future, it is recommended to complete it soon.

Homework- Nothing new, but remember the first draft of the museum assignment is due on November 1st, so don't wait too long to do your museum visit.

For next class Oct 18, 2019- We take on a new medium, photography. The assignment will be a take home exercise using a camera of the student's choice, to be completed in about a month or so.  In class, there will be a slide show on the history and uses of photography in art. and a brief discussion of the process, after which the assignment (various subjects for about 20 photographs students must take) will be distributed on paper.  Following that the plan is to do a tour of Vaughn-Eames, our studio building, to see some of the studio classrooms and the various processes available for student studies.  No materials are needed for class, so you may leave everything home for a change.