Friday, September 13, 2019

9/13/19 Introduction to Art

Today's Class-  Today was our first real day of making art, and we started with the most basic thing this class does- the line.  We opened with a brief discussion of characteristics of line, then looked at a few dozen examples of lines being used in historical art, then got to some simple portfolio exercises on contour lines.  I also distributed syllabi to several new students and handed out the museum assignment, a more detailed version of what can be found on the Museum Assignment link on this site.

How to make this up- The subject for today was shoes, a very common subject for art students.  I brought in a large bag of old shoes, or students had the option to use their own.

For a full description of the exercises and to see additional student examples, click here.

This is a portfolio exercise and can be made up for full credit any time by the end of the semester.

Homework- If you attended class today, you have it done and need do nothing else.  If you missed class, make it up soon- people who delay these things often don't get around to doing them. 

I handed out the museum assignment today.  The rough draft isn't due until November, but you don't want to wait until the last minute to do your museum visit.

For next class September 20, 2019- More work with line, but this time the focus will be on negative space, another important concept in art.  Bring your 18"x24" pad, pencil(s) of choice, and eraser. I will bring the subject and it won't involve shoes.