Friday, September 6, 2019

9/6/19 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- Our first meeting of the semester. I distributed and reviewed the syllabus with the class.  I had everyone fill out a survey about their past art experiences, but they weren't collected.  We reviewed answers as a group, including my own experiences. Answered any questions that people had, and talked about next week.  And since there was nothing else to discuss, I let everyone go early.  Expect to stay the full time next week.

How to make this up-  If you were there today, and almost everyone registered for the class was, you are all set.  If you were not there today, you have some paperwork to make up, but no work to be done.

Homework- No homework from today's class.

For next class September 13, 2019- Art begins.  We will do a portfolio exercise on the topic of contour lines, the basics of all drawing.  The subject will be shoes, a classic early art exercise, as shoes are organic- being designed to fit on a foot, they are almost like a body part in themselves.  Plus, unlike live models, they always sit still and they work for free. I will have a supply of shoes, but maybe not enough to go around if everyone shows, so everyone is responsible to have a shoe if needed- whether you bring an extra or take it off your own foot.  Fully enclosed shoes work better than sandals or flip flops. Style doesn't matter.  Also have paper, such as the 18"x24" pad, pencils, and an eraser. 

The museum assignment will also be distributed in class next week.