Today's Class- Today was our first day of actually making art. We opened the semester with the idea of line, the most basic mark making we will do. We talked a little about the nature of line, and I showed a few dozen art historical slides, works that made use of line, covering from cave painting to the Renaissance to modernism. Then we did a series of portfolio exercises related to drawing with lines. The museum assignment was distributed.
How to make this up-
Homework- The museum assignment was distributed today. It is officially due on April 28, 2017, though it can be turned in sooner if you want to get it out of the way, and they will be accepted after that with a lateness penalty, up until the last day of class.
For next class 2/3/17- We will continue to study line, but this time with a focus on negative space and other things related to drawing multiple objects. I will also distribute the research/writing assignment.