Sunday, January 27, 2013

Welcome to the Spring 2013 Semester

This is the blog that I have set up for my art classes at Kean University.  Each post title will contain the date for the class meeting and the name of the course.  Because I teach a variety of classes here, to avoid confusion, all posts for my Visual Thinking classes (FA 2300  01 / 02) will be printed in purple text.  All posts that can apply to all students, like this one, will be printed in black text.

Each week I will create a post for the class, usually later that evening.  Besides the date and name, I will include a description of the day's activity and photos of student examples of the projects if applicable and available.  If there is any related homework, I'll provide the details, including the date it's due.  I will also include a list of all the required art materials for the following week's class.  About a months worth of posts will appear on the main page; posts from earlier in the semester can be seen by clicking on 'older posts' at the bottom of the blog, or by using he archives in the right hand column.

The purpose of this blog is to provide information to students who miss an occasional class, so that they may quickly catch up.  It is not intended as a substitute for coming to class-  this is not an online course and you are expected to show up each week.  However, even students who never miss a week may find this site useful, as a way to see additional examples of current assignments, check homework due dates, or get a quick reminder of what to bring to the next class.  It is available to  you 24/7, without having to wait for me to respond to your e-mail.  If you have any questions that are not answered here, send me an e-mail and I'll usually get back to you within the day, but most of the information that students typically seek will be found here.