Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/13 Visual Thinking

Today's Class-  Today was our first meeting of the semester.  The possible snow and ice never showed up, so both sections were able to meet.  I distributed and reviewed the syllabus with the class.   After that, students filled out a survey related to their art interests and experiences, which we discussed as a class.  We also talked a little about art in general, and the nature of the Visual Thinking class.

Homework- none

For next class 2/4/13- We'll spend a little time on some basic drawing exercises that will prepare us for the work that we will be doing later in the semester.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, and pencils and eraser. Among the exercises will be drawing from shoes, and since I don't have enough to go around, you are responsible for bringing one of your own to draw from.  Either bring an extra shoe, or be prepared to take one off you foot.