Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30/12 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we started our study of two dimensional art with the most basic unit of mark making- the point or dot. We did a class exercise and started a graded project, both using only dots of ink. Everyone came to class today, so no one needs to make up anything, but if you need a reminder of what we did, see below.

Wallpaper Exercise

The first thing we did was an exercise involving patterns of dots. It took the form of wallpaper, meaning vertical patterns that repeated at least once over their length, as in the student example above. Patterns could be pure geometry or form into recognizable images.

Stipple Drawing Graded Project
Most of the class period was spent working on our first graded project of the semester, a stipple drawing. It is a value drawing made from nothing but tiny ink dots. By varying the concentration of dots in a given area, the value can range from light to dark. Students started with a black and white photograph of a three dimensional object or scene, with the goal of matching the exact values in a drawing. In the student example above, the original photo is on the right, and the resulting drawing on the left. To see additional examples and to review all the specific requirements of the project, click here.

Homework- The stipple drawing graded project is due at the beginning of class on February 13, 2012.

For next class 2/6/12- We will start our study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser. One of the things we do will involve drawing from shoes. Since I don't have enough to give to all the class, each student is responsible for providing their own shoe. I suggest you bring an extra, or be prepared to take one off your foot. I'll provide the subjects for the other drawing exercises.

Friday, January 27, 2012

1/27/12 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we started our study of line. We looked at a few dozen slides of art, spanning from cave painting, through ancient civilizations, to the Renaissance, and modern and contemporary art, discussing how each artist used line. After that we did a series of exercises in contour line drawing using shoes as the subject. In addition, the museum assignment was distributed and discussed.

How to make this up- Find yourself a shoe. It can be a formal shoe, sneaker, boot, etc, as long as it's an enclosed shoe. (sandals don't give you a lot of structure to work with) Using either pencil (2B or 4B or try both), you will do a series of line drawings of the shoe in your 18" x 24" pad. You may put more than one shoe on a page and use the back of the sheet if you want. Full directions for the assignment and examples of student drawings can be found here. This is a portfolio exercise, and must be made up by the end of the semester to receive credit.

Homework- Nothing immediate, but the museum assignment was distributed today. It's officially due on the last day of class, but I strongly recommend finishing it sooner, so you have one less thing to worry about at the end of the semester, and if there are any problems with it, you can redo it for a better grade. Museum papers turned in on the last day will be graded as is.

For next class 2/3/12- We will continue our study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser. I'll provide the subject matter. The research assignment will be distributed.

Monday, January 23, 2012

1/23/12 2D Design

Today's Class- Today was the first meeting of the semester. The course syllabus was distributed and reviewed. That included the materials list and textbook. The students filled out a survey regarding their artistic backgrounds and interests, which we talked about as a group.

Homework- None

For next class 1/30/12- We will start our study of 2D art with the most basic unit of mark making, the point or dot. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, and the black markers (large and ultra fine point). One of the projects will involve working from a black and white photograph, so you should bring one to work from. It should be a photograph of something real (portrait, landscape, interior, still life, etc), not digital or line art. It can be from a published source, or a photo you took yourself. A wide range of values from light to dark work best. I will have a pile of magazines with black and white photos that student can pick through if necessary, but you will save yourself a lot of time if you have one of your own.

Friday, January 20, 2012

1/20/12 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today was the first meeting of the class. The course syllabus was distributed and reviewed. The students filled out a survey about their artistic background and experiences, which we discussed as a class.

Homework- None, but those who did not purchase the textbook from me today should bring $3 to buy one next week.

For next class 1/27/12- We will start our study of line. Bring your 18"x 24" drawing pad, and pencils and eraser. We will be drawing from shoes, and since I don't have enough to distribute to everyone, each student must provide their own shoe. You may bring an extra one with you, or remove one that you are wearing.

Welcome to the Spring 2012 Semester

This is the blog that I have set up to post information about my classes at Kean. To avoid confusion, information about my Introduction to Art class (FA 1000 12 Fri 9:30 - 12:15) will be written in red text, while information about my Two Dimensional Design class (FA 1100 02 Mon 9:30 - 3:15) will be posted in blue text. Information meant for both classes will be written in black text.

Following each week's class (usually by evening) I will post information about the day's activity. I'll provide information about what we did, including directions and photos of student examples from previous semesters, if available and applicable. I will also post any homework, and when that homework is due. I will also list the art materials needed for the following week's class.

The main purpose of the blog is to help students who miss a class for whatever reason to get caught up quickly. It is not meant to be a substitute for actually coming to class- this is not an online class. However, this blog may also be useful to students who never miss a class, but need a reminder about a deadline or what to bring to class. It is available to provide all this information 24/7 without having to wait for a reply to an e-mail. If you have questions that can't be answered here, you are welcome to send an e-mail and I'll likely get back to you within 24 hours.