Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30/12 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we started our study of two dimensional art with the most basic unit of mark making- the point or dot. We did a class exercise and started a graded project, both using only dots of ink. Everyone came to class today, so no one needs to make up anything, but if you need a reminder of what we did, see below.

Wallpaper Exercise

The first thing we did was an exercise involving patterns of dots. It took the form of wallpaper, meaning vertical patterns that repeated at least once over their length, as in the student example above. Patterns could be pure geometry or form into recognizable images.

Stipple Drawing Graded Project
Most of the class period was spent working on our first graded project of the semester, a stipple drawing. It is a value drawing made from nothing but tiny ink dots. By varying the concentration of dots in a given area, the value can range from light to dark. Students started with a black and white photograph of a three dimensional object or scene, with the goal of matching the exact values in a drawing. In the student example above, the original photo is on the right, and the resulting drawing on the left. To see additional examples and to review all the specific requirements of the project, click here.

Homework- The stipple drawing graded project is due at the beginning of class on February 13, 2012.

For next class 2/6/12- We will start our study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser. One of the things we do will involve drawing from shoes. Since I don't have enough to give to all the class, each student is responsible for providing their own shoe. I suggest you bring an extra, or be prepared to take one off your foot. I'll provide the subjects for the other drawing exercises.

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