Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3/9/11 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today's topic was photography. I showed slides of the history of photography, from the earliest crude attempts through the present, discussing the technology, the aesthetics, and the wide variety of uses for photography in society. A take home photography assignment was distributed and reviewed. After the break, we toured our academic building, visiting many of the art studios and seeing some more examples of what's done in those rooms. We also checked out a photography show at the CAS building and sculpture at the Dryfoos Gallery (Library). The research papers were collected from those students who had them.

How to make this up- The full details of the photo assignment and some student examples can be seen here.

Homework- The take home photo assignment is due at the beginning of class on March 30, 2011. Those who have not yet turned in their research paper should bring them to class next week.

********Spring Break 3/14/11 to 3/20/11**********

For next class 3/23/11- We will return to our study of color. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, watercolors, brushes, palette, and water container.

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