Today's Class- Today we discussed the idea of printmaking, the category that includes all art made using such processes as woodcut, etching, engraving, lithography, silkscreen, monotype, and collagraph. I showed slides of the history of printmaking from the Renaissance to the present, from east and west. After the break, the class started a new portfolio exercise related to printmaking. We also saved some time at the end of class to look at results from the photography assignment.
How to make this up- You will need to create a collagraph plate, which is made by attaching various materials with different textures to a flat surface. A piece of cardboard about 8"x 10" (the large side of a cereal box will do) can be your base. Create a representational design (person, object, scene, etc) out of attached materials (natural or manufactured) and glue them to the cardboard. There must be at least 8 different textures represented in the attached materials. Above are two examples of printed collagraphs, and below are an example of a collagraph plate and the resulting print. Note the mirror image reversal of the print. For more information and details, click here.
Homework- The collagraph plate is due at the beginning of class on April 13, 2011. At that time I will bring materials necessary to print them in class.
If you have not yet made your museum visit, I suggest you do it soon. That paper must be turned in by the last day of class to receive credit.
For next class 4/6/11- We will start our first individually graded project of the semester. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil, eraser, and pastels.
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