Friday, February 1, 2019

2/1/19 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- Today we had our first real day of art activity, taking on the most basic of the formal art elements- the line.  We had a brief discussion of the way lines are used in art, followed by a brief set of historical slides showing how line has been used in art over the ages. After that a series of exercises in contour line.

How to make this up- Those present completed a series of contour line exercises built around the subject of shoes, one of the classic subjects for beginning art students.  

Students used the pencil(s) of their choice to complete a series of contour line exercises on 18" x 24" paper.  For those who have not yet been able to acquire a large pad, we scavenged some sheets from student pads unclaimed from last semester.  The list of exercises that need to be done, details, and student examples from previous semesters can be found here.

This is a portfolio exercise that can be made up any time before the end of the semester for full credit.

Homework- Nothing new, and the museum visit first draft isn't due until March.   Don't wait until the last minute to make your museum visits.

For next class 2/8/19- More work with line, but this time a look at the concept of positive and negative space, and no shoes will be involved.  Students should bring their 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser.  I will provide the subjects for the drawing exercises.