Friday, October 19, 2018

10/19/18 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- Today's topic was photography, a relatively modern medium with some ancient roots.  It all began with the camera obscura, a simple device perfected during the Baroque period of painting, which projected real life scenes onto a wall where artists could trace them for use in paintings.  By the early 19th century, methods were found to use the new science of chemistry to automatically record these images on film, glass, paper, etc.  Digital photography uses computers instead of chemicals, but the results are the same.

After showing examples of the development of photography and some of the ways it is used, I handed out a take home assignment and we took a tour of Vaughn-Eames, which is the building on campus for all art.

How to make this up- The take home assignment is printed on paper and I'll have extra copies in class next week.  Meanwhile, the specific assignment and some student examples can be seen here.

This is a portfolio exercise and not technically due until the end of the semester, but I'm encouraging students to have them printed to share with the class by November 30, 2018.  Any kind of paper is fine.  They don't need to be mounted, but labeling them on the back with the specific problem being addressed would be very helpful.

Homework- The first draft of the museum assignment is due at the start of class on November 2, 2018.  It should be typed or printed on paper.  

For next class 10/26/18- We go back to color and to our watercolor paints, this time less theoretical and more expressive.  Bring you watercolor paints, brushes, palette, water container, and 18"x24" pad.