Friday, January 26, 2018

1/26/18 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Our main topic today was the line, one of the most basic units of all art.  We had a brief discussion of some of the many ways line can be used, then looked at a few dozen slides of historical art, all of which used line in a significant way.  That was followed with some exercises in contour line.  Toward the end of class I distributed the museum assignment that I couldn't copy last week, and quickly reviewed it.

How to make this up-  Today was a portfolio exercise, so the work will be graded as part of the semester portfolio.  If you were there and did everything, you will receive full credit.  If you missed class, you have until the end of the semester to make it up, but those who wait until the end usually never get around to it.

All exercises involved drawing from shoes, a classic student drawing exercise.  The details of the assignment, and student examples from previous semesters, can be found here.

Homework- The museum assignment has now been distributed to the classes.  If you missed class today, you can get a copy next week, or see a simplified version by clicking the museum assignment link at the top of this page.

For next class 2/2/18- More lines, but this time we will look at the idea of positive and negative space, which are important for composition and for rendering groups of objects.  Once again bring your 18"x 24" paper, pencils, and eraser.  I will provide the subjects for the exercises.  There will be no shoes.