Friday, January 26, 2018

1/26/18 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Our main topic today was the line, one of the most basic units of all art.  We had a brief discussion of some of the many ways line can be used, then looked at a few dozen slides of historical art, all of which used line in a significant way.  That was followed with some exercises in contour line.  Toward the end of class I distributed the museum assignment that I couldn't copy last week, and quickly reviewed it.

How to make this up-  Today was a portfolio exercise, so the work will be graded as part of the semester portfolio.  If you were there and did everything, you will receive full credit.  If you missed class, you have until the end of the semester to make it up, but those who wait until the end usually never get around to it.

All exercises involved drawing from shoes, a classic student drawing exercise.  The details of the assignment, and student examples from previous semesters, can be found here.

Homework- The museum assignment has now been distributed to the classes.  If you missed class today, you can get a copy next week, or see a simplified version by clicking the museum assignment link at the top of this page.

For next class 2/2/18- More lines, but this time we will look at the idea of positive and negative space, which are important for composition and for rendering groups of objects.  Once again bring your 18"x 24" paper, pencils, and eraser.  I will provide the subjects for the exercises.  There will be no shoes.

Friday, January 19, 2018

1/19/18 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today was our first meeting of the semester.  No one has materials yet, so we didn't do any art exercises.  I did distribute and review the syllabus.  A lack of copy paper in the department office meant that I couldn't copy anything else, so we did the student art survey as an oral exercise and the written version of the museum assignment will have to wait for another week.

How to make this up- Nothing to be made up, except that those who missed class today should make sure to ask me for a syllabus next week.

Homework- No homework yet.  The museum assignment will be due at the beginning of class on March 23, 2018.  I hope to have the full 2 page version available to distribute next week.  If you can't wait until then to see it, the link above labeled "museum assignment" will show you the basics.

For next class 1/26/18- We will start the fine arts portion of the class with a portfolio exercise involving line.  After looking at some art historical examples of line in action, we will concentrate on the idea of contour line in its various forms, using shoes as our subject.  I will have some, but I recommend you bring one of your own to draw from, which you could take off your foot, but you are probably better off bringing an extra with you to class.  Also bring your 18" x 24" drawing pad, pencils, and eraser.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Welcome to the Spring 2018 Semester

This is the blog site I have set up for my classes at Kean.  This semester I have two sections of Introduction to Art (FA 1000), both on Friday, so these posts will cover both classes.  Each week I will put up a post the evening following those classes.  The title will include the class and date.  Text relating to the class will be in red.  Any posts about school stuff or other related items, but not specific to our class meetings will be in black.  

Each week I will post a brief description of the day's events, including photos (if available) of the kind of projects people worked on that day.  I will include instructions for the assignments.  All work must be completed by the end of the semester, but on those occasions that things are due sooner, that will also be listed.  I will also include information about the following week, such as materials needed.  Art materials will vary from week to week, and I'll let you know in class what will be needed for the following week, but it will also be here.  The home page includes information about our written assignments, and links to museums.

This online site is not a substitute for coming to class.  It is meant to provide information to registered students who usually attend class, but may have missed a meeting, so they can be caught up quickly.  But even if you miss a class meeting, this site may be useful to remind you of what we've done, to check the list of materials for next class, to verify a deadline for a graded project, or to see completed student examples.  It is available 24/7 and most of the questions that students have will be answered by information here.  However, if you need additional information or explanation, you are welcome to e-mail me directly and I will usually get back to you within 24 hours.