Friday, December 15, 2017
12/15/17 Intro to Art
Today's Class- Today was a general work day. A few students turned in papers, and one even showed her 3D final project, while some worked on portfolio stuff or their 3D projects. People who missed last week drew words for their 3D subjects. We saw the last slides of the semester, a very brief overview of three dimensional art through history. People left early from both classes, which was probably a good idea in the afternoon, when the snow showed up shortly after the last student left. That I'm writing this is a sign that I made it home, but that happened just barely. Long range forecasts for next Friday are looking better, but we'll see.
How to make this up- Nothing new happened today, so if you have anything to make up it's whatever you needed to make up before class.
Homework- The graded 3D project (randomly chosen subject sculpture) is due at the beginning of class on December 22, 2017. If you haven't yet picked your words from the hats, you should e-mail me and I'll send you two possibilities to choose from.
Any 2D projects (comic strips) and papers not yet turned in are also due that day, as are the completed portfolios- list of expected work can be found in last week's blog post.
For next class 12/22/17- Our final meeting of the semester. Each student will present their 3D project to the class, and then we'll do all the grading . Things that have already been graded and returned to you don't need to come back, but you do need to bring in everything part of the class portfolio, the 3D projects, any late papers, etc. It's also your last chance to turn in any excused absence notes you may have. No work will be accepted after the official end of class. At the end of class you'll know the grades for every assignment, but final semester grades will be calculated after the holidays.