Friday, April 7, 2017
4/7/17 Intro to Art
Today's Class- Thanks to an 8 mile back up on the Parkway, the morning class was a few minutes late in starting, but everyone had work to do. As planned, today was the day to print the collograph plates we made a few weeks ago, and I brought in materials and tools to make that possible.
Meanwhile, students continued work on last week's 2D final, the autobiographical comic strip project. As I was leaving late this afternoon, car radio reported a series of accidents on the Parkway South in the 130's, but if these had existed they were cleared up by the time I passed through. There was a pile of junk in the middle of one of the central lanes, but I managed to avoid that.
How to make this up- The print project is part of the semester portfolio, so not actually due until the end of the semester, but if you need help printing it, you need to bring it to me sooner. Don't know if I'll be bringing back all the printing stuff, or just collecting the plates and printing them in my studio down the shore.
Homework- The 2D final, the symbolic autobiographical comic strip project is due at the beginning of class on April 21, 2017. Full instructions and student examples can be seen on last week's post for this class.
Some students requested more time to complete the museum assignment, and I agreed to push the due date to May 5, 2017, our second to last meeting. Keep in mind that the purpose of having the deadline be before the last class is to allow the possibility of you correcting deficiencies in the papers and resubmitting it for a better grade. Papers submitted after that will not have the opportunity to be changed and regraded and will get the grade they get. You may submit the paper before then (as has already happened this semester) so that you know what you would need to do to make it better.
****University is closed on April 14, 2017 for Good Friday. No class next week****
For next class 4/21/17- Just four more meetings remain, with two projects. Next week the topic is architecture and the process for the portfolio is perspective drawing, which is commonly used in drawing buildings. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, and a ruler or other straightedge is very recommended.