Today's Class- Today we started by looking at the comic strip 2D final projects that were due today. One at a time each student put theirs up and presented the work, explaining the choice of symbolic characters and explaining the story when necessary, though in most cases the plot was clear from the images and words. Below are a few examples from today's classes.
The other thing that we did today was to select the topics for the 3D final project, which will be the last project of the semester.
How to make this up- For the final project you will be choosing a random topic that will be the subject of the last project, a three dimensional representation of the randomly generated topic. Students in class drew slips of paper from hats, each with a word printed on it. (taken from headlines of book reviews in the Sunday New York Times) One hat contained nouns, the other one modifying words or phrases. Together, a new random concept was created. The assignment is to interpret that new random concept as a three dimensional sculpture. Below are some examples from previous semesters, with the phrase that was used to inspire them.
Apetite for Distraction
Impasse Changed
Planet Gone Wild
Plowing through the Nation
Troubled Uprising
You may use any materials you like in the creation of your 3D piece- craft materials, modeling clay, wood, found objects, etc. There needs to be evidence of your involvement in the creation of the final piece- you can't just buy it ready made and be done. It can be a simple freestanding object, have a base, or (as in some examples above) be in an open from box/frame. No specific size requirement. The two main things I'll be looking for are three dimensions and how you interpret your topic. Creative use of materials is a plus. This is not a sculpture class, and so classic modeling and carving techniques are not expected, but you should deal with formal issues as you have with other assignments this semester.
Homework- This 3D final project will be due at the beginning of class on May 12, 2017, our last meeting of the semester. They will be critiqued, graded, and returned that day. If you were not there today to pick your topic, you may either have me pick it for you, of I'll bring the slips and hats back next week.
The museum papers are due on May 5, 2017 if you wish to receive full credit. They will be accepted after that through the last day of class, but be considered late, and papers turned in on the last day can't be fixed and regraded.
One thing I did today was bring in the printed collagraphs I did for students who were not prepared to print the day we did it in class. If you didn't yet print your plate, you need to bring it in ready to go by next class, or be able to print it yourself to get the credit.
For next class 5/5/17- It will be a work day for the class. For most of you, that will likely be the 3D final, your best chance to have me provide further advice and guidance on the project, while having tables and spaces suitable for making potentially messy artworks. If you still need to make up anything else we've done this semester, it's an opportunity to do so. Looking back through this blog will show you everything we've done, and everything that is not the comic strip or the 3D final is part of the portfolio grade. If you haven't done it, you have until the end of the semester to get them done. So next week bring whatever materials, tools, etc you need to work on what you plan to do.