Tuesday, September 24, 2013
9/24/13 3D Design
Today's Class- Today we discussed the idea of positive and negative space and looked at slides of sculpture that dealt with (or not) negative space, as well as relief sculpture. After that students started a new project that makes use of both ideas. We also had a quick critique of the Make 100 module projects, which were graded and returned. For those who missed today's class, I have posted a few photos of student sculptures from today's class on the original page for this project.
How to make this up- This graded project requires the construction of a corner out of foam core. The corner should have two sides that are each 12" square, and have a top and bottom triangle piece, each of which is half of another 12" square divided diagonally. The unit should be assembled so that the edges are all even with no overhanging parts. Either white glue or hot glue will work.
Once the corner is finished, you will use additional foam core to create relief designs on the two square faces and the top triangle piece. Start by sketching out ideas for designs on paper. When you are satisfied with your plan, redraw it on more foam core, cut it out with your x-acto knife, and glue the pieces to the surfaces. You may do it from a whole 12" square piece and glue it down as a unit, or cut out the pieces individually and glue them in place. In my example above, the left side face is from one whole piece, while the other two faces are assembled form separate pieces. The area immediately around the top center corner should not have relief elements added, but otherwise the design is up to you. The design should be non-representational, no recognizable images. Remember that positive and negative space are equally important in a relief, so the resulting negative spaces should be just as interesting as the attached positive pieces. Sharp blades do a much better job of cutting foam core than dull blades, so have replacements handy.
Homework- This graded Corner Relief project is due at the beginning of class on October 8, 2013.
Anyone who hasn't yet turned in their 100 modules project should turn it in as soon as possible for partial credit.
For next class 10/1/13- We will start a new portfolio exercise influenced by cars. Choose your favorite automobile purely from an exterior design philosophy; one you like because of its appearance, rather than speed, economy, reliability, usefulness, etc. Bring photos of the vehicle from all sides, as one part of what we will be doing will involve adapting its exterior design. You will also need two square foot bases (foam core or mat board), foam core (remnants from today's construction should be sufficient), a few sheets of bristol board, glue, scissors, x-acto knife, your sketchbook, pencil and eraser.