Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/28/12 Intro to Art

Today's Class-  Today we continued work on the comic strip projects that were begun during our last class meeting before Thanksgiving.  While the class was working on that, I helped all the prepared students to print their collagraphs.  We also took time to fill out the semester evaluation forms, and to look at a few more student photos from that assignment.

How to make this up-  Printing your collagraph plates requires tools and materials that I have and you likely don't, so the simplest thing is for you to bring your completed plate to class next week.  I'll collect them, print them in my home studio, and return them the following week.  Examples of plates and the prints made from them can be seen above and below.  You may keep or dispose of the plate used to make the print, but the print made from it must be saved for the final portfolio grading.  Many students tape or glue the print to a blank page in their pad.  It is not required, but you do have the option of adding color to the finished print.  If the shapes in the composition aren't clear in the printed image, color can clarify the subject.  This can be done with transparent washes of watercolor (as in the above example) or with thin layers of pastels that allow the ink textures to still show through.  

As for the comic strip project, if you need a reminder of the specific requirements, or want to see student examples from a previous semester, you can find it on the blog post for our class on November 14th.  

Homework-  The graded autobiographical comic strip project is due at the beginning of class on December 5, 2012.  We will look at them as a group and have a critique.  

The museum assignment is due by the last day of class, December 19, 2012, though I encourage you to complete it and turn it in sooner.  If I see it before the last day, I can let you know if you revise it to improve your grade.

For next class 12/5/12-  We will critique the comic strip projects and start our final project of the semester, the 3D graded project.  We will begin with developing and sketching the ideas, so you only need your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser.   We may also visit the faculty exhibition down the hall.