Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19/11 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we began our study of two dimensional art with the most basic unit of mark making- the point or dot. We did one portfolio exercise and started the first graded project of the semester.

Wallpaper Exercise-
Students were asked to mark a sheet of their 18" x 24" paper into thirds with a pencil. In each of the three sections students created patterns made from dots, using various sizes of black markers. The patterns could be pure geometry, or form recognizable images. Like wallpaper, the dot patterns must repeat at least once from top to bottom. The class spent about 45 minutes on it. Above is a student example. This is a portfolio exercise, and must be made up by the end of the semester to receive credit.

Stipple Drawing
We also started a graded project, a drawing made from nothing but tiny dots, also known as a stipple drawing. Each student chose a black and white photograph of a three dimensional scene (person/landscape/interior/etc). The composition was first sketched in pencil, then dots from the ultra fine point marker are used to carefully match the values (light and dark) from the original photo. In the above student example, the original is on the right, and the drawing on the left. The drawing can be reproduced at exactly the same scale as the original photo, or a small piece of the photo can be enlarged. For full details of the project and further examples, click here.

Homework- The completed stipple drawing project, along with the original photo, is due at the beginning of class on October 3, 2011.

For next class 9/26/11- We will begin our study of line. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser. Part of the day will be spent drawing from shoes. Since we don't have enough to give one to everyone, each student will be responsible for providing his or her own shoe to draw. You may bring an extra one with you or be prepared to remove on from your own foot.

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