Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3/24/10 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today we looked at the art of photography, beginning with early 1800's experiments through today, and showing some of the many ways it has been used during that time. I distributed a photo based assignment for the students to do on their own time. We also took a tour of the building, visiting most of the studios, and seeing the current Student Art Show.

How to make this up- The full details of the assignment are available on a handout I can give you in class next week. If you don't want to wait until then, or have misplaced your copy, the assignment and some student examples can be found here.

Homework- The photo assignment, including printed versions of all 20 photos, is due at the beginning of class on April 14, 2010.

I absolutely recommend going to see the visiting artists Drive By Press when they visit campus on Monday March 29th and Tuesday March 30th. I'll be posting details on the blog over the next few days.

For next class 3/31/10- We will be doing a printmaking related project, creating a collograph plate. Bring glue and scissors, and any found objects (natural or artificial) that have interesting textures and you don't mind cutting up and gluing. You can leave the big pad at home.

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