Monday, September 10, 2007

Welcome to the Fall 2007 Semester

Welcome to the blog I've set up for my class sections.

The blog will be for both classes. To make it easier to find what you're looking for, the entries will be color coded. The posts intended for my Intro to Art class (FA 1000 Sec 14, 12:30-3:20) will use red text. The posts for my 2D Design class (FA 1100 Sec 3, 5:00-10:20) will use blue text. Posts that apply to both classes will be with black text. About a months worth of posts will be available on the main page, while earlier posts can be accessed by using the blog archive on the right.

Most weeks I will post the information for the classes either late that evening or sometime on Wednesday. The heading for the post will contain the date and name of the class. I will include what we did in class that day, what (if any) homework has been assigned, and what art materials are needed for the next class. When applicable, photos of examples of current projects and assignments will be included.

Certainly this is a good place to stop by should you miss a class, but it's also available for anyone who needs a reminder about due dates for projects and what you need for the next class. Most of the questions that students typically have will be available to you 24/7, without having to wait for a reply e-mail. Should you have further questions, the best procedure is to e-mail me directly rather than post comments.

See you tomorrow.

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