Today's Class- We started working with dots. First was an exercise involving designing wallpaper patterns with dots.
Then we began the first major graded project of the semester, a stipple drawing based on a black and white photo. Students started with a photo (either brought in by them or found in the pile of magazines I brought in), selected a square portion of it, and sketched it in pencil in a 6" square. (if you wish to do a rectangular drawing, the short side must be at least 6 ") After the pencil sketch was finished, students started adding dots with the ultra fine point marker to create value shapes that match the values found in the original photo. There are 3 examples above- the top is my example (original photo from album cover on left, my drawing on the right), the other two are from former students. (click the photos to enlarge) The primary criteria I will use for grading these is how well the student matches the various value shapes, not how well the student reproduces the subject of the photo. However, the better the pencil sketch at matching the photo shapes, the easier it will be to match the values. The other thing I will be grading on is consistency, meaning that any similar values in the photo should be treated the same in the drawing.