Monday, October 22, 2012

10/22/12 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we began the graded woodcut project, a problem of black and white composition that is also a book illustration.  Looking back at the textbook's chapter on value, I went over the idea of value patterns- using value more as a formal compositional element and less as a way to describe surface appearances or to imply form and volume.  Using examples from my own work I discussed approaches to developing an idea- from initial concept, through revisions, to the final visual idea.  Wood was distributed and I did a demonstration of safe and effective cutting techniques.  We also visited the printmaking studio down the hall and a printmaking exhibition at the library.

How to make this up-  You can't create the block until you get a piece of wood, but you can develop your idea on paper.  You are creating an original illustration based on a literary source- fiction or non fiction, novel, short story, poem, etc, but no fairy tales, kids or young adult books, comics, or anything fully illustrated.  You can pick a specific scene, or something that sums up the book.  You will be working at a size of 8" x 6", which can be vertical or horizontal.  Bring your sketch idea(s) to class next week, and I'll give you a piece of the same wood distributed to everyone today.  Above are some examples from previous semesters. Additional examples and further instructions can be found here.

Homework- The completed block is due at the beginning of class on November 19, 2012. (note new storm related date) At that time I will bring in ink and printing tools to help you print them.  I suggest you start the cutting before next week so I can look at your progress.

For next class 10/29/12-  (now 11/12/12We will start our study of color with some exercises in basic color theory and mixing.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, acrylic paints (red, yellow, blue, white, black), brushes, palette knife, palette, and water container.