Sunday, October 28, 2012

10/29/12- 2D Design Change

10/28/12  Storm Update and Change-

By now you likely know that the school has finally and wisely decided to cancel all classes for Monday Oct 29th and Tuesday Oct 30th.  That means no meeting for our 2D Design class this coming week (Week 8 on our syllabus).  There is a little bit of wiggle room built into the schedule, so we should be able to cover almost everything that was planned for the semester, just rearranged a little.

Class Assignment Updates-

The woodcut book illustration graded project will now be due at the beginning of class on Monday, November 12, 2012.  On that day I will help all the students print their blocks while everyone works on a color related graded project.  This gives everyone who has wood an extra week to cut the blocks.  Those who were not here last week to receive a block from me can wait until our next meeting to get one.  If you would prefer to start before then with your own wood, I suggest 1/4" thick plywood, either lauan (what I distributed) or birch, about 8" x 6".  However, I recommend that you wait until after our next meeting to start cutting, so I can demonstrate the best and safest way to cut your design into the block.  

For next class 11/5/12-  We are going to pick up where we left off with the next planned lesson- portfolio exercises in basic color theory and color mixing.  (the original plan for this day, text as a visual element, will likely be addressed in a few weeks)  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, acrylic paints (red, blue, yellow, black, white), brushes, mixing palette, palette knife, and a water container.