Friday, March 1, 2019

3/1/19 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- We got back to color today with some basic color theory.  The class used watercolors to do two exercises that involved color mixing, using watercolors.  We also looked at some slides from art history, a brief look at how color has been used over the years, discussing sources and purposes of color.

How to make this up- The two exercises involved creating a 12 step color wheel, and mixing a set of complementary colors to create various neutrals.

Detailed instructions as to how to do these exercises, and an additional student example, can be found here.

This is a portfolio exercise and can be made up for full credit any time before the end of the semester, but color will be used again, so this experience will be helpful.  The watercolors will return again in a few weeks, in a rhythm related assignment. 

Homework- Nothing new today, but I'm reminding you that the first draft of your museum assignment is due on March 29, 2019, now less than a month away.  I recommend going on your museum visit soon if you haven't done so yet. Information about the written assignment can be found in the link at the top of the blog home page.  There are also links to the home pages of the pre-approved museums list, for quick access to a list of shows, hours, fees, policies, etc. 

For next class 3/8/19- Our topic is photography.  In class we will look at slides covering the history of photography, which starts with experiments hundreds of years ago, and really gets going in the 1800's, and continues into our lifetimes.  A related portfolio exercise will be completed on your time, from an assignment I will give you on paper in class, so you do not need to bring any materials to class next week, the only time that will happen this semester.  A chunk of the remainder of the class meeting time will be used to take a tour of the building, with looks at any studios we can get into that day and the current student art show in the gallery.