Friday, November 16, 2018

11/16/18 Introduction to Art

Today's Class- Despite yesterday's unusually early winter storm, Kean was determined to be ready for business this morning.  They even plowed a lot of snow, left in a huge pile in the faculty parking lot along Morris Avenue.  Our morning class lost the beginning of our day to a fire alarm, but eventually we were allowed back into the building and our classroom.  
Luckily, yesterday's weather did not return and our classes were allowed to run as planned.  Two main activities today- students continued to work on the 2D Final project (the comic strip) and those who were prepared to do so printed the collagraph plates we made a few weeks ago.
I provided ink and tools to print with, while students brought their plates and provided paper from their pads.  

How to make this up- The autobiographical symbolic comic strip project is the same thing we started last week, and all the information can be found in last week's blog post.  Finished pieces will be due at the start of class on November 30, 2018, our next meeting.  At that time we will have a quick group critique of the works, after which I will collect them for grading.

The collagraph print (cardboard, fabric, etc) is a portfolio exercise involving 3 steps- we made the plates a few weeks ago, they were printed in class today, and students will finish the artworks by collaging materials to the finished print to complete the image in whatever way they want.  Let the print dry (we used water soluble ink so they should be dry quickly) then use paper elements to enhance your image.  Can be images from other sources (magazines, etc), colored paper, things you've drawn yourself- things that you think would complete the picture.  You also have the option of coloring the print directly with watercolors or pastels from your kit, but you must add collaged materials.  The print is part of the semester portfolio, due by the end of the semester.

If you didn't have the plate ready today, and don't have the ability or materials to print it yourself, you will have to bring it in to class as soon as possible, give it to me, I'll print it in my studio, and bring it back.  After December 7, 2018, there will not be time to do all this, so if you want my help with the 2nd part, get it to me by then.

Homework- The comic strip 2D Final project is due at the beginning of class on November 30, 2018.  This is a graded project, so any delays in completing it will result in point deductions.  

If you have not yet shown me the first draft of your museum assignment, get it to me as soon as possible.  Once I see it, I can let you know what it may be lacking before the final one is to be turned in for grading in late December.  

****School closed for Thanksgiving vacation November 22-25, 2018. So recover from overeating, go shopping, sleep late, or whatever you want.   No class meeting that week. ****

For next class 11/30/18- Our last portfolio exercise of the semester, drawing in perspective, which relates to the study of architecture.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, and some kind of long straightedge (ruler or even yardstick).  I will have some, but they will have to be shared, so having your own means you get to complete yours much faster.