Friday, March 9, 2018

3/9/18 Intro to Art

Today's Class- The topic today was rhythm, which we usually associate with music, but there is a visual equivalent that can be found in art.  I showed a few dozen art historical slides, paying attention to times that artists used visual rhythms in their pieces.  Then we did a portfolio exercise that involved watercolor paintings that were influenced by types of music playing while the were painted.

How to make this up- You will need your 18" x 24" pad, watercolors, brushes, and a water container.  Palette is optional, but you can use your colors as they are manufactured and don't need to mix them.  However, you can use the paint any way you want.  You will play different types of music, 15 minute segments, and do abstract paintings in reaction to the music you are hearing.  Below are some student examples from previous semesters.

More student examples and information about the music that was used (or how to substitute) can be found here.

This is a portfolio exercise and can be made up any time before the end of the semester for full credit.

Homework- The first written assignment, the museum paper, is due at the beginning of class on March 23, 2018.  

*****Spring Break 3/12/18 - 3/18/18*****
******No class meeting next week*******

For next class 3/23/18- We will start a multi-week project related to printmaking, a collograph print.  This involve making a printing plate by attaching items of various textures to a flat surface, rolling it with relief ink, then printing it.  Here is an example of student plate and print from a previous semester.

I will provide the cardboard to make the plate, and a variety of materials that can be used to collage your image.  You need to bring scissors and glue (white glue is best) and are welcome to bring additional material to glue to the plate.  (materials should be relatively thin, have some kind of texture)  The glue needs time to dry and these will be printed another week, so you can leave your big pads at home that day.