Friday, February 16, 2018

2/16/18 Intro to Art

Today's Class- Today's topic was monumental art, which I define as large scale art that is permanently part of a building or public space.  I showed a few dozen slide examples, starting with cave painting, then moving through Etruscan, Roman, Byzantine, Gothic, and the Renaissance, and such mediums as paint, fresco, mosaic, and stained glass.  Today's art project was a variation on the idea of mosaic, a collage using small pieces of colored paper to build an image.

How to make this up-  You will need to select a color photograph of a 3 dimensional object or scene.  What it is doesn't matter.  You will do a basic pencil line contour sketch of the image, including all background items.  The drawing will either be 6" x 6" or 4"x 9" (vertical or horizontal) so make a box like that in pencil.  In reproducing the original photo, you may crop it, draw it at 100% scale or enlarge a small area, but everything that would fit into your box must be included.  Then use colored paper from magazines to match the colors in your original photograph.  The color pieces should be no larger than 1/2" square, but may be smaller.  Pieces of paper may overlap, or have a small white space between them.  Some student examples from previous semesters can be seen below, both original photo and student mosaic-

 This is a portfolio exercise and must be completed by the end of the semester for full credit.  

Homework- Nothing new, but keep in mind that you have two papers to work on, the first of which is due in late March.

For next class 2/23/18- We continue our study of color, this time with some basic color theory.  Bring your 18"x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, watercolor paints, watercolor brushes, mixing palette, and a container to hold water.