Monday, November 21, 2016
11/21/16 2D Design
Today's Class- Today the class did the last portfolio exercise of the semester as preparation for the remaining projects. The still life can serve many purposes in visual art, and one of the most common is to practice and develop skills. This exercise was meant to give the class a chance to put some color mixing skills to a practical use- the painting of objects. You all have experience in drawing a still life, so to the skills of drawing shapes, spaces, and values, we added matching the colors of the subject. A still life was set up with a group of solidly colored objects and a drape with color patterns, and students were asked to render it using skills developed and demonstrated earlier this semester.
How to make this up- Set up a still life. On a table put a box and drape with a cloth that contains colors and patterns. Arrange on and around the box 5 solidly colored objects, all different from the cloth and each other. Render the still life, paying attention to the size and shapes of the objects, spacing, perspective, value, and local colors (the hues of the objective world- what we see). You may draw if first in pencil, or just go directly to the brush and colors. Use a sheet of your 18' x 24" paper. Below are some student examples from previous semesters.
You may treat the background any way you wish. Spend up to about 4 hours working on it.
Homework- Nothing new. The Color Temperature season collage project started last week is due at the beginning of class on November 28, 2016.
To receive maximum points for the museum paper, it should be turned in by December 5, 2016.
For next class 11/28/16- We will finally get to the next graded project, the one I mentioned in class last week. We will be working with the idea of artist palettes- a common term for the color choices made by the artist for a work, which may or may not be based on objective local color. You will do a series of color studies based a black and white photo, making use of the shapes and value structure as a basis for the color choices. Bring a black and white photo with a wide range of value (as with the dot drawings), your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, all your paints, a palette, brushes, and a water container.
We will also critique the color temperature (season) collages, and toward the end of class talk about the Final Project.