Tuesday, April 12, 2016

4/12/16 3D Design

Today's Class- Nothing new was introduced today.  We continued on the book carving project started last week, except for taking a break late morning to look at the proportional room/installation project.  Since I have posted all the good book student examples that I had over the past two weeks, I've decided to show some good examples of the new project, in which an environment was created for one of the canon of proportion figures from several weeks ago.   Choosing a theme was up to each artist, some being influenced by the original photo source, others looking at the pose and seeing what it suggested to them.  The other rules for this installation was that a defined space was to be created, and it should be of a scale related to the figure.  Any materials could be used.   

Homework- The book projects begun last week will be due at the beginning of class on April 26, 2016.  

The museum papers are due April 19, 2016.

For next class 4/19/16- We will be starting the final project of the semester, creating a large inflatable sculpture.  The subject will be an animal or plant.  It must be a minimum of 8 feet long in at least one dimension and it will be made from a piece of clear plastic drop cloth (used to protect carpets and furniture in interior painting) and clear plastic sealing tape.  Inflation will be done with a hair drier.  Everyone will start by doing some pencil sketches of ideas, and create a small model using foam core and bristol board.  For the inflatable piece, students may work individually, or in groups of up to 3 students on one piece.  Below is an example from a few years ago.  The whole set of last semester's projects can be seen on the blog page from 12/15/15.

You will have the final 3 weeks of class to work on this, which will be due May 3, 2016- our final meeting.  For the first week you will definitely need a sketchbook (or sheets of loose drawing paper), pencil and eraser, foam core, bristol board, scissors and x-acto knife and glue to build a scale model.  If you think you may be ready to start building it next week, have a clear plastic drop cloth large enough to make your sculpture and tape to hold it together. If not, you can use your model to calculate how big a piece you'll need build the project you have in mind.