Monday, December 15, 2014

12/15/14 2D Design

Today's Class-  Today was mostly a work day for the class.  We had a critique for the limited palettes projects that were due today, and the class took an ungraded department assessment test of 2D knowledge.  But mostly the time was spent working on the board game final projects begun last week.  I reminded everyone that next Monday is our final class meeting and that everything is due that day.

How to make this up-  Information about the Final Project can be found in last week's post.

Homework-  Nothing new, but if you owe any back graded projects, next week is your last opportunity to turn them in for partial credit.

Semester Portfolio- Next week I'll be grading the semester portfolio, all of the work done in class that wasn't individually graded. If you haven't missed any classes, you have it all done.  If you're not sure, here is the list of what I need to see and the dates you'll find the assignments on this blog:

9/15-  Wall paper design (dots)
9/22- Contour Lines (shoes)
          - Negative Space (chair/bottles)
10/6- Charcoal exercises (vine / compressed)
11/3- Color Wheel/Complement Mixes/
          -Tints and Shades
11/10- Descriptive Text (Russian words)
           - Business Logo
12/1- Color Still Life

For next class 12/22/14- Our final class meeting and the last day of the Kean semester.  I'll be grading the portfolio and the Final Project, as well as any late items that anyone brings in, such as late graded projects and museum papers.  No art supplies needed, but bring in anything that needs to be seen, including any excuse notes that would cover absences.  I will start with the critique of Final Projects, then dismiss everyone temporarily while I grade everything.  After the time I state that morning, you may return to pick up the graded items and learn your grades for those things.  Once I leave that day, nothing else will be accepted.